
She’s Everybody Else’s Mother

And she might be lurking around…

Everybody Else's Mother
Photo by Josiah Lewis on Unsplash

Isn’t she lovely? Everybody else’s mother. Why can’t you be just like her?

Here’s a poem (below) to help you in the identification process.

{Preface: When our daughter was going through her teen years, I vowed and declared I’d write a book about everybody else’s mother. It seemed this mythical paragon of virtue could do no wrong, certainly in the eyes of teenagers.

This mother was the best. She allowed her children to take days off school, she’d write fabricated sicknesses about their absence, allow them to wear inappropriate clothes, watch X-rated movies, and have as many ear and nose piercings as they saw fit.

Well, I never did write that book, so I offer instead, a poem, for all those hapless mothers who are still swimming through the murky waters of the teen canal.

It’s not all bad! All things shall pass…I promise!}

Everybody Else’s Mother

There’s a place in our world

Sort of secret, you know.

A place where a special mum lives,

Or seems so!

There she quietly lives.

She’s known only by some.

She’s calm and so wise,

And she never is glum.

No she never is glum.

Her smile lights up the sky.

She’s cool and serene

And she rarely would sigh.

This mum is unique

For she’s eager to please

Each one of her children!

She finds it a breeze.

Rules in her house?

Get real! There is none.

Rules are not needed

When kids have such fun!

So if they’re not tired,

They can stay up and view,

An A-rated movie,

Or maybe a few!

And while they are watching

She’ll serve them great food

The junk she has bought them.

It really tastes good!

And if in the morning

Their bellies all ache,

A day’s rest from school

Is all it should take.

Oh the things they can do

’Cause the weather is hot,

They can pop down the beach

And get cool in a jot.

Oh they could, and they can,

And they should for a lark,

Have even more fun

At the latest skate park.

Where they’ll learn many tricks,

Many tricks at a glance,

Of balance and steering

And finding their stance.

Or a kick flip…which

Is so easy they say!

Jump off, flip, jump on,

It just makes their day.

This mum thinks that skate parks

Are really so cool

And far, far, far better

Than going to school.

But don’t be alarmed

If your children should meet,

This outstanding parent

Down Way Better Street.

For a while she may influence

How they might dress,

And if they should clean up,

After making a mess.

Or if it is cool to wear

Rings on their nose,

Cool side-ripped jeans

Or whatever they chose.

She will soon disappear

You must think and must know.

In the lives of your children

She surely will go.

And as she disappears

As surely she might

Your kids you thought ‘lost’

Will be back in your sight.

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